Friday, April 25, 2008

What will happen next?

Every new piece of technology seems to surprise me. Some things I can envision happening with phones, but some things are just so random and out of the blue, that I can't imagine what will come next. Throughout the semester we have talked about different ways to network and different kinds of technology. Much of the time we talked about what bothered us about some of the technology, but no matter how much annoys us, this trend is going to keep on going. Something different will come about for phones, cameras, the internet, social networks; that is going to change the way we function in our day to day lives. How it will affect our lives, we don't know, but it's happening all the time.

There are many things I find over the top when it comes of some of the inventions, but there is no stopping it. All we can do is work with each things and find ways to improve it. All we need to learn now is how to deal with everything that will be coming because at the rate things are going now, we will be having to deal with so many changes at one time in the future. Just something to get you thinking...

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